Written by LaVella Head
A caregiver is a family/friend or paid helper who regularly looks after a child, elderly, sick or disabled person.
Caregiving is universal. There are four different types of caregivers: those who have been caregivers, those who are currently, those who will be caregivers and those who will need caregivers. To understand the importance of a caregiver picture health as a three-legged stool; one leg is professional caregiver (doctor, nurse etc.), next is family caregiver and third is the care recipient. For healthcare to be effective you need all three legs.
You are a caregiver if you provide the following:
- Transportation to medical appointments
- Purchasing or organizing medications
- Monitoring their medical condition
- Communication with health professional
- Advocating on their behalf with providers or agencies
- Getting in and out of bed, chairs
- Getting dressed
- Bating showering
- Shopping, housework, preparing meals
- Managing finances
So as we approach this festive season more people are or have become caregivers due to COVID-19 and other illnesses. Show them some appreciation for their work and support. Never underestimate the role caregivers have for providing support to those people who need it, nor the toll it takes on them both emotionally and physically.
Thank you to all caregivers, you are appreciated.
For those caregivers that need assistance contact Middle GA Area on Aging at 478-751-6160 or email info@mg-rc.org.