Young, Mr. Henry “Lee” Covington Jr. is 14 years old. He is currently an eighth grader, attending Miller Fine Arts Magnet Middle School. Lady Shalome Covington is a 5th grader, at Veterans Elementary School. They both live in Macon Georgia with their proud parents, Rev. Henry, Sr. and Sucada Covington. Both Lee and Shalome are very active members of FBBC’s Southern Heritage, Youth Praise Team and Theatrical Ministries. Lee is a member of the Royal Ambassadors and the Media Ministry and Shalome is a member of Girls-in-Action, and the Hospitality Ministry.
Not only are they active in church, but they are also heavily involved at school. Lee is a member of chorus and drama. He also attended the Bibb County Science Fair (Placed 2nd) as well as the Georgia Regional Science Fair (Placed 1st). Shalome is currently preparing for the state technology competition on March 10th. She has also attended the Bibb County Science Fair since she was in the 3rd grade (Best in show twice, and 2nd place this year. They love their family, members of FBBC and are thankful for everyone that has poured into them or gave them a chance to showcase their gifts that the Lord gave them.
Written by Sucada Covington