Our “Spotlight” this month shines on one of Fellowship Bible Baptist Church’s “pioneer” members. The following responses were provided by the honoree:
When and where were, you born?
I was born June 22, 1951 in Washington County, Georgia.
What is your husband’s name?
My husband’s name is James Spyies.
How long have you been married?
We have been married for 39 years.
Do you have any children?
Yes, we have three children: Carlos ‘Scooter’ Spyies, [Brandilyn Spyies- Smiley, Jimmille Spyies-Cradle.
What are your hobbies/interests?
I love to collect antiques and travel.
Tell us briefly about your career including activities at Fellowship.
I am a retired educator of 34 plus years; Retired as an Elementary School Principal; Taught several classes at Wesleyan College; Now I am a mentor to beginning principals when needed by the System.
At Fellowship Bible Baptist Church I am a member of The Board of Directors, Member of the Fellowship Human Resource Team, Member of the Mothers’ Board, Serve with the Family Promise, and Women’s Prison
How has your career molded you as a person?
My education career has taught me compassion, dedication, and camaraderie. The most rewarding part of my job both as a teacher and as a principal was the opportunities I had to build relationships with so many students, families, and other educators. There’s nothing better than watching a student that has had struggles either in the classroom with academics or behavior; become successful and enjoy coming to school everyday. Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself.
What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?
Life is all about the journey and less about the destination. If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody will.
How would you like to be remembered?
I would like to be remembered as a fun loving Christian woman; as someone who did the best she could with the talent she had for making others laugh and have fun. Lastly, as a woman who loved pleasing her husband.
What is “your message” to Generations X, Y, Z?
My Message to Generations X, Y, Z: “If you love your- self, chances are that others will love you. It’s all about self-love, If you don’t have love for yourself, how can you expect to get it from somebody else?”