“A veteran whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to the ‘United States of America,’ for an amount of up to and including my life.” During the month of November, the United States celebrates Veterans Day.
Our spotlight this month focuses on Dea.con Lauro (Max) Garner a Veteran who also wrote a blank check that was not cashed and has made a tremendous contribution on the “war against Satan.” Deacon Garner is married to Dianette (Peggy) Garner and they have one son Saeed K. Garner. Here are Deacon Garner’s responses to my questions.
Give us a summary of your service here at Fellowship.
-I made my public confession of salvation at Fellowship and joined the same day in February 1990.
-Worked the sound room that was located in the loft of the Genesis Building.
-Drove the vans, picking up people for church and returning them to their homes.
-Taught children’s church until I was unable to because of illness.
-In 2005, after the illness returned, I stepped down as an active deacon and continued to come to Christian Enrichment and church when possible. As I grew in strength, my attendances became regular. I was asked to join the IGB which helped me physically and emotionally.
What are the most important lessons you have learned in life?
-The difference between an inconvenience and an emergency is the money one has saved. The car breaks down away from home. This is an emergency for some and an inconvenience for others.
-Persistence with the right attitude can overcome many obstacles. This is how I won my wife.
How would you like to be remembered?
-As one who believes in God’s Word and who is willing to give encouragement and serve others.
What is “your message” (words of wis.dom) to the future Generations?
-Once you have accepted Jesus Christ trust Him with what He has entrusted to you.
What are your special words to the Fellowship Family?
-Galatians 6:10 says “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”
-If you want to receive something you must give what you want in return. If you want friends, you must show yourself friendly. If you want to be helped, you must help others. If you want money, you must give money.
-Thank you for this honor especially since Veterans Day is celebrated in November.
Elder Isaiah Whittaker Sr., writer