May 11, 2023

You are worth the quiet moment.

D O  I T  F O R  Y O U

Are you really participating in self-care? Most individuals correlate self-care with receiving maintenance treatment or grand acts. Self-care should not be something we resort to because we are exhausted and we need some reprieve from our own internal pressures. Self-care is about treating the entirety of yourself.

A C H I E V I N G  S E L F  C A R E

A well-balanced self-care routine includes four main areas of your everyday life; physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. The small decisions that you make daily will help you manage your self-care daily.


  • Nourish your body by eating healthy and energizing foods that make you feel great.
  • Get enough sleep and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Exercise to replenish your energy and manage stress.


  • Sign up for a class, group, or workshop on a topic that is interesting to you.
  • Challenge yourself within your community or at work to learn something new.


  • Meditate, pray, or just reflect on what you’re grateful for.
  • Practice forgiveness.
  • Unplugging from technology.


  • Seek out support from a therapist, coach, social worker, peer, or counselor.
  • Journaling is another way to tap into the deep recesses of your mind and heart.


3 0  D A Y  S E L F – C A R E  C H A L L E N G E

The most important thing is that you stay true to yourself while implementing any self-care plan. Doing this self-care challenge will help you discover how easy it is to put yourself first, but you’ll also get into the habit of filling your cup first – WITHOUT feeling guilty about doing it!

For the next 30 DAYS try to implement some of these suggestions daily.