November is the month we pay tribute to the men and woman who have proudly and bravely served our country in uniform. At Fellowship the “Welcome Mat” is extended to all Veterans. This November the FBBC Navigator salutes MSgt Anthony Delano Sapp, Sr (USAF, Ret) as the Senior Saint for November 2018.The following summary highlights some of the accomplishments of this month’s Senior Saint.
When and where were you born? According to my mom, she was laboring extremely hard on Labor Day, September 1, 1958 in Augusta, Georgia. Introduce your Family – My wife, Jacqueline Faye Bolden and I pledged our love to each other before God, friends, and family on June 6, 1987 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. To our union, we have added three lovely daughters; Jaleesa DeAndrea, LeChondra Denise, and TeMia DeShae. I also have two charming sons; Anthony Delano Sapp Jr. and Adrian Jamaal Sapp from a previous marriage. I also have ten grandchildren.
What are your hobbies/interests?
Fishing, coaching, watching and attending all sporting events; with football being my favorite. I love teaching young children the basic skills in sports, where I often quoted to them, “It is not whether you win or lose, but how well you learn and play the game and have fun in the process.” Because I had young girls, I volunteered for several years with the Warner Robins Recreational Department as both girls’ basketball and softball coach. As my girls grew older, I turned in my coaching skills for chaperone duties with my girls’ Middle school and High School Bands. I also umpired with the Georgia High School Umpire Association for a few years.
Briefly share some words about your career and activities at Fellowship.
My Military Career began immediately after High school in 1975 and I served for 20 years as an Equipment Specialist in the Department of the Air Force. My first assignment was at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana with a follow-on assignment as a bomb loader for three years at Clark Air Force Base, Philippine. My assignment began at Robins AFB in September 1981 until my retirement in December 1995 after my one-year remote tour at Kunsan Air Base, Korea. I joined Fellowship in May 1987 and immediately joined the serving team and Usher Board.
How has your career molded you as a person?
The Air Force taught me to Honor and Respect all of the Armed Forces, because together we fight and win wars against the United States Enemies.
What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?
One of the most important lesson that I’ve learned in life is to not worry about everything and Trust God!
What is “your message” (words of wisdom) to Generations X, Y and Z?
“Do good to Everyone”, even when others are not good to you, continue to do good.
How would you like to be remembered?
I would like to be remembered as a “Morally Excellent” person in every walk of my life.
What is my favorite Scripture Lesson?
My favorite scripture lesson is Galatians 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.