He is standing “tall” in his back yard as he stands “tall” for God!
Our Senior Saint” this month is a “Man of God” who is not afraid or ashamed to praise God anywhere!
When and Where were you born? I was born in Houston County, Perry Ga. on April 22, 1959. To Henry and Clara Jordan.
What is Your spouse’s name? My spouse is Shelly A. (Jackson) Jordan
How long have you been married? We have been married for 39 years. June 20, 2020 will be 40 years. We have four children.
What are you hobbies/interests? I enjoy working on old cars and going to the racetrack. I like watching the drivers and teams test and tune cars.
Tell us briefly about your career including activities at Fellowship? I have been with the City of Warner Robins for 30 years. I am a Street Supervisor. I joined FBBC in 1999 and a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. I worked with the youth department for about 6 or 7 years; sang in the men’s choir, and also worked with ground maintenance. I kept the grass cut on the site/land where the dome now sits. Now I work with the evangelism ministry, men’s fellowship, nursing home ministry, teach Christian enrichment class, and a member of the clergy.
How has your career molded you as a person? I have always wanted to complete my education. However, with a growing family and work I could not make the time for it. So, when the City of Warner Robins offered onsite Workforce GED classes I was the first to jump aboard. In 1998 then Governor Zell Miller presented me with the Workforce Literacy Student of the year Award and an Eagle Award for recruiting and encouraging more employees to obtain their GED. And now through that program I have completed two (2) degrees in Logistics and Communications from Georgia Military College in June 2011. And I am excited to say that this May 2020 I will complete my Bachelor of Science Degree in Public and Human Service.
What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life? Always be kind to others. Never let go of your dreams. They may not come when you want them, but all things come in God’s timing, “Stickability” Pastor Reid gave me the “Stickability Award” after finishing Georgia Military College. I have been able stick with it. by the help of God.
How would you like to be remembered? As a Servant, being humbled and loving people.
What is “your message’ (words of wisdom) to Generations X, Y, and Z? To set goals in life; write them down; and make a plan to achieve your goals. We all go through rough patches. No one is perfect but God. Don’t let go and you can achieve anything in life. Your elders have wisdom and knowledge; seek them out; ask questions, be respectful and you will be tremendously blessed.
What are your “special scriptures? Micah 6:8 ESV “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
Written by Elder Isaiah Whittaker, Sr.