The Seasoned Saint for FBBC for the Month of December 2019 is:
James E. Williams
As we approach the end of Year 2019, there will be some transitions that will occur throughout our Church Ministries. One of the important shifts will occur within the Deacon Ministry. Please congratulate, support, and pray for our Ministry Leaders. This is a snapshot of the Deacon Ministry Chairman James E. Williams. Deacon Williams was born on Feb. 9, 1963 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His wife is Janet Fay Williams and they have been married for 32 years. Their children are Christopher, Felecha, Latisha, James Jr., and Jasmine and Mother in Law Lillian Thompson. His hobbies and special interests are hunting, fishing, and fitness training.
I asked Deacon Williams to tell us briefly about his career including activities at Fellowship – his reply:
• Member of the USAF from Sep 81 to Oct 01; as F-15 Aircraft Maintainer, Quality Assurance Specialist, and Flight Chief.
• Employed by the Department of the United States Air Force (DAF) from Sep 01 to present as JSTARS Crew Member Simulator Project Officer/QA.
• Member of FBBC since Nov. 01: Served as Men’s Ministry Leader, Royal Ambassador Leader, Transportation Ministry, Celebrate Recovery Facilitator, Rebuilding Together (house captain leader), Prison Ministry, Nursing Home Ministry, Deacon Ministry Chairman.
• Education: MBA-Information Management (Grantham University), BAS-Business Administration (Mount Olive College), AA Degree in Aircraft Technology (CCAF), Certificate of Completion-Biblical Studies (Crossroads Institute).
How has your career molded you as a person?
• My Air Force career molded me as a person mostly. My job in the Air Force made me feel I was a
part of a bigger plan that directly impacts the lives of others. There are several lessons I took with
me from my military career. (1) Show some humility. We must be able to work with others together
to achieve our common goals. (2) Appreciate people for who they are, not what you want them to
be. (3) Swallow your pride and do the job. (4) There is always more to give, always more you can
push yourself. You are more capable and resilient than you know. (5) Last. Plan, plan, plan, and
some more. Use maximum possible time to plan. However, do not suppress your gut and do not be
afraid of failure.
What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?
• Replaying my previous answers, but above all “TRUST GOD.”
How would you like to be remembered?
• I want to be remembered through the people I leave behind. I am hoping a little bit of me can be seen in everyone who I have had a close relationship with.
What is “your message” (words of wisdom) to Generations X,Y and Z?
• Know who you are. You are MORE than what your environment, situations, and circumstances say you are. Aim High!!!
Words / Expressions to the Deacon Ministry and Congregation
• You have been an encouragement and blessing to me and my family of these years here at FBBC. Continue to strive for excellence through Christ and actively embrace those who join the family, showing them the truth.
What is your “special” Scripture?
• The first scripture I learned in my walk remains special to me. Psalm 119:11; “Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”