If you research our English word “dynamite” you will find that it stems from the Greek word dunamis. Dunamis was the term used to refer to strength, power, or ability and is where we get other English words dynamo and dynamic. Pastor Morgan along with the men, women, and youth leadership teams have condensed three separate weeks of teaching and worship into three powerful nights. This year’s Family Conference, June 12 – 14, is called “Power Week 2018.” And make no mistake about it, the week will be dunamis!
June 12 (Men)
The men kick the week off with two powerful sessions. The titles, “He Motions: Effective Management for Stress & Anger” and “What is She Thinking: A Look into the Mystery of the Female Psyche” indicate June 12 will be the time to “man-up.”
The “He Motions” session will empower (gk. dunamis) men with effective ways to manage stress and anger. Pastor Andre Thomas, Certified Behavioral Counselor from Pinnacle Counseling Center, LLC, will facilitate this session. The “What is She Thinking” session is intended to help men improve their relationships with women by understanding how women think. This session will consist of a panel of five women who will answer questions submitted by men.
Corporate Worship
The guest psalmist for the evening will be artist/musician Lowell Pye. In 1990, he joined the ministry of John P. Kee, and that lead to his membership in Men of Standard with Isaac Carree. (Wikipedia) Bishop Rudolph McKissick, Jr., Senior Pastor of The Bethel Church of Jacksonville, FL and author of the new book “Won’t He Do It!” will bring the message for the evening. Visit his website at www.wonthedoit.com to hear some powerful (dunamis) teaching.
June 13 (Women)
The women’s session will consist of a panel discussion called the R.A.W. Life. It will be an uncut panel discussion to help women to be Real, Aware, and Wise in their daily lives. The moderator will be Stephanie Hughes, a Licensed Practical Counselor (LPC).
Corporate Worship
The guest psalmist for the evening will be Tiffany Boone. “Her ‘Powerhouse’ voice and amazing ability to captivate audiences with her energetic performances has made Tiffany Boone a permanent fixture in gospel music.” 2017 TBN Ministries. Rev. Jennifer Carner, Executive Pastor of House of Hope Atlanta will lead corporate worship on Wednesday.
June 14 (Youth)
The middle and high school students, ages 11 – 19, will have two sessions “Future Finances Now” and “Be A Champion 101.” The “Future Finances Now” session will include advice on money matters, credit, maintaining bank accounts, check writing, balancing checkbooks and being a good steward. The “Be A Champion 101” session will stress the importance of attitude, values, vision, goal setting and consistency. Teresa Little will be the facilitator for both sessions. Check out her web site at: www.rightouch.net
The elementary school students will be grouped by age (3 – 5 & 6 – 10). Two, thirty-minute sessions have been planned. The topics will include self -esteem, qualities of a Christian, and a balloon presentation about the Crucifixion of Christ. Molly the Clown will provide entertainment and there will also be “face painting.”
Corporate Worship
The guest psalmist for the evening will be Kierra Sheard. Just how mesmerizing is Kierra Sheard’s voice? Captivating enough to shut down a noisy audience until you can hear a pin drop. Pastor Breonus Mitchell, Sr., Pastor of The Mount Gilead Mis-sionary Baptist Church and author of the book, “A Fish Called Mercy” will close out Power Week 2018.
The Life Empowerment Sessions will begin at 6:00 p.m. each night followed by Corporate Worship at 7:30 p.m. And here is the great thing. All services are open for everyone (FBBC members and the public) to attend. The fuse has been lit and June 12th through 14th, ‘The Ship’ is gonna “blow up!”
Written by Henry Hopson Jr.