Fellowship Bible Baptist Church is celebrating its 37 anniversary this month {February). And I interviewed Pastor Morgan about his accomplishment during his first two years of service at FBBC and his latest State of the Church message, delivered Jan. 4 , where he talked about” Next Level Preparation.
Looking back on the past two years, what are your major accomplishments?
“The first thing that I’m extremely thankful to God for”, Pastor Morgan said, ” as it relates to the growth of our church, is the number of souls that have been led into a personal saving relationship with Jesus Christ through our church over the last approximately two years. We have seen approximately 1,000 people walk the aisle and confess a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Despite bodies, buildings and budgets, the primary goal of the church is to be an agent of saving souls in the Earth and to offer Jesus Christ, still, as the Savior of the world.”
Pastor then talked about the progress the church had made in finishing” certain physical aspects of the church.” He talked about the blessing of the founder, Pastor Willie Reid, of being able to complete the Dome construction in the midst of the Great Recession, however, some initially planned aspects of the project had to be postponed. “Now we’ve been able to do some things that we had to delay on doing previously and to see that progress continue is probably the second most important thing in these approximate two years.”
On Wednesday, Jan. 4, Pastor Morgan laid out his State of the Church Address. The church is in great shape financially , but he has set out a challenge. No, he doesn’t want to build another building . No, not ready to go to a second service. He wants FBBC to up its game in all aspects of ministry. He calls it: Next Level Preparation.
“Fellowship,” he says, “is clearly and undeniably a church that operates in a spirit of excellence.” He pointed out that with some added and different variations of worship and ministry, “the adjustment to those new ideas, new processes, requires revisiting how we prepare for them.”
Pastor Morgan proposed to FBBC ministry leaders, workers and staff that they look at “not only how we prepare, but the preparation process itself. ”
He explained that when we are familiar with the process, they become second nature , but when it’ s something we have to adjust to, it might take more preparation time, “so that the execution of them can be just as phenomenal as that to which you are familiar.”
There have been several new “things ” at FBBC, the worship service has varied along with new technology, i.e. new sound system, web streaming, etc., and pastor has observed that we need to give more time, “intently” to the preparation process, “so the new things we are dealing with become second nature . So as we increase our preparation it increases our presentation.”
As we strike out into 2017 and our 37-year at FBBC, the Ship will keep sailing on to higher heights and saving more souls for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Written by Charles E. Richardson