A church that is operating successfully and is on fire for the Lord will also have strong ministries in operation throughout that particular church. One of those ministries is the Mother Board Ministry. This ministry consists of women called mothers who have typically been long time members of the congregation. The Mother Board of a church is responsible not only for mentoring and assisting younger women with the church but also for hosting a variety of church activities for children and families. The Mother Board Ministry at Fellowship Bible Baptist Church is truly an awesome ministry with amazing women that exemplifies and displays the attributes of a loving mother that truly cares for the church. The Mother Board Ministry serves as an Armor Bearer for Pastor Morgan and his family. Each member helps to provide all that it takes to make sure the Pastor and his family is surrounded with a special flavor of TLC. The Mother Board Ministry at FBBC is also responsible for Communion services and Baptism. All members of this ministry can expect to develop strong lasting relationship with Godly women. Expect the unexpected in the future from this ministry as it seeks to refresh and recharge with the new mothers of Generation X. ‘As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem”
Isaiah 66:13(KJV).
Written by Cheryl Clay