The College Conncection Ministry at FBBC is blessing our children as they prepare to explore the world and start a new life. The College Connection Ministry provides FBBC members attending college with care packages and inspirational cards while they are away from home. This is an awesome way to minister to students and to motivate them, especially during finals. The students are no longer around family members, church members and friends so it is always a blessing to have an encouraging word from time to time from a member of this ministry.
The Lord touched the heart of a wonderful woman of God Mrs. Cynthia Cromatie to start this ministry. She remembered how life was for her when she was a college student and all of the challenges that she had to face living away from home. The College Connection Ministry encourage students to get a Facebook page so they can stay in contact with other FBBC college students while they’re away. For some students, being away from home for the first time can be challenging and connecting with others can play a vital role in helping them adjust.
The children are our future and we must strive to help them on this journey as they make every effort to make this world be a better place for us all. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in a way he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” May God continue to bless the College Connection Ministry at Fellowship Bible Baptist Church and our awesome leaders of tomorrow.
Written by Cheryl Clay