Message from Pastor Morgan

December 30, 2017

Grace and peace to you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It is in Him we live, move, and have our being!

Dr. Robert Schuller once said, “let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.” This statement becomes most meaningful as you embark upon 2018. It is during this season that you are constructing agendas, setting goals, and making resolutions both naturally and spiritually. These intentions are important; for they reflect the virtue of living life on purpose.

So now the question is this: what are your plans for 2018? What will be your purpose of intent for 2018? The answers to these questions vary per person. However, there are a couple of general concerns to consider in planning for 2018.
First, seek God on whether your plans coincide with His plans for your life. That can be done through prayer, the study of God’s Word, and your sensitivity to the Holy Ghost in hearing the confirmations of God through other people. Proverbs 19:21 says, “There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” Whatever you endeavor to accomplish in 2018 has its best chance to manifest if you prioritize the things of God and give yourself over to His counsel from the start.
Second, make it your business to support others. Success should never be motivated by selfishness. When you sow the seed of support, you reap the harvest of support; and it can come in ways unforeseen. God is so great, He doesn’t have to bring your harvest up in the place where you sowed. Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” Since this is the case, He can bring your harvest up from anywhere and through anybody. So let God see you supporting others; that can be key to the manifestation of your goals.

Third, keep your hopes in front of your hurts by not allowing your disappoint-ments to be the secretaries that set your agenda. Your disappointments and failures of 2017 are, at this point, historical realities in your life. They did happen. Remember, however, that they are historical. Choose now to not let your history have power over your future. If you survived those disappoint-ments, it’s senseless to still let something you outlived have power over you. Let your hopes and faith in God set a new, preferred agenda.
I pray that 2018 will be the year that your hopes for personal and spiritual progress will be fulfilled. I pray that your walk with God will become more intimate. I pray that He will make Himself known in your life like never before. I finally pray that He’ll use you to do great and mighty feats for Him.

So from Laneen and I, we wish everyone a prosperous New Year in 2018! May God’s grace and favor be in abundance over your family as well as over our Fellowship family!

Yours by grace,
Tolan J. Morgan, Pastor