Labor Day is a holiday to give workers a day to rest and to celebrate their contributions to the American economy. Some people use this time to go on special trips. For students, it is time to organize parties before going to school. Some families often take out their barbeque grills and celebrate with family and neighbors. The first Labor Day was celebrated on September 5, 1882 and took place in New York City.
In 1894, Grover Cleveland made Labor Day a federal holiday. Today it is celebrated on the first Monday in September. There are millions of Americans who are unemployed and are struggling to make ends meet. A lot of our students are graduating from college and some are having a difficult time finding a job in their field. However, through the Grace of God more jobs have been created and Labor Day is not just a thing of the past but a celebration for more people and their families. Labor Day is indeed a blessing and we all should be thankful whether we have a job or not. Take some time out to rest, meditate on God’s Word or to just simply have some old fashion quiet time reading a good book. Happy Labor Day and be blessed.
Written by Cheryl Clay