The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “anniversary” as: the annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event. That “notable event” for Fellowship occurred on the second Sunday of February 1980. This year our celebratory theme is, We’re All In.
The plan for the month is to highlight significant portions of our forty-three (43) year history. You can look forward to events such as:
1. Throwback Sunday
2. Generation Sunday
3. African Heritage Sunday
4. Family & Friends Day
5. Founder’s Day Celebration
Written by Henry Hopson, Jr.
As I prepared to write this article, I shared a few of my thoughts with my family. Trae, who is now thirty-five, married with children, said I should include a few words about the Royal Ambassadors and some of the other youth programs that were important to his generation. Dee pulled up Acts 2:41-42 on her phone and emphasized that it is about being devoted to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer. Her anniversary thoughts are, we have continued in the pattern established by the early Church.
That conversation made our theme clearer to me. We are all in in one way or another. Fellowship is a family and we bring our family memories and treasures to the anniversary party.
We’re all in to ministry – discovering our gifts and talents and being equipped to serve by our Pastor.
We’re all in to studying the Word of God – Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
We’re all in God’s Family – For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. Rom 8:14. That makes us brothers and sisters in Christ.
We’re all in to honoring the Shepherds God has given us – Pastor Willie L Reid, Sr./Founder, Pastor Xavier Paul Dunbar/Interim Pastor, Pastor Tolan
Morgan/Pastor. Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine. I Tim 5:17
We’re all in the increase – I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. I Cor 3:6. We are the increase that has sprouted from the planting and watering.
This month brings together forty-three years of increase. We will be able to look around the sanctuary and see how the family has grown older and younger at the same time. We’ll find that the “seasoned saints” like myself still have a seat at the table. And we’ll also realize that the younger saints have been inspired by God to embraced this season of their lives with passion, purpose, and commitment.
Happy Forty Third Anniversary Fellowship. We’re All In!