‘Tis The Season To Renew
Recent statistical data shows that almost 50% of households worldwide own a computer and approximately 3 billion individuals worldwide own a smartphone.
Recent statistical data shows that almost 50% of households worldwide own a computer and approximately 3 billion individuals worldwide own a smartphone.
If there were ever an election that proves every vote counts and dispels, hopefully forever, the notion that “My vote doesn’t matter,” it was the 2020 Presidential election. President-Elect Joe Biden and President Donald J. Trump were separated by a mere 3.6 percent — 50.8 percent to 47.2 percent.
As we the Church Family of FBBC approach the beginning of a new year, let us renew our commitment to a very important segment of our church’s fabric, Christian Enrichment. The “Senior Saint for December 2020 is the new leader for this important church segment. I will share some basic information about this Church leader.
Derriun Noel Duncan is 2 years old; born on September 1, 2018. He only weighed 3 lbs, 5 ounces when he was born, yet God allowed him to breathe on his own.
Regular handwashing is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others. Whether you are at home, at work, traveling, or out in the community.
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